Sunday, June 23, 2024

San Francisco

After spending a day at Julie's aunt and uncle's house in Stockton, we loaded up the morning of Father's Day and drove 2 hours to San Francisco.  Cali traffic is no joke!  We enjoyed looking at all the fancy cars while sitting in Sunday morning traffic (is that even a thing?). We headed straight to Fisherman's Warf, and specifically Pier 39, where we started to explore.  The girls got a kick looking at all the stores around the pier.  It’s a good thing they are ok when we say no to 99% of the things they want to purchase or we’d already be out of money! Reagan’s favorite line is “Can we come back and get this on my birthday?”

The girls enjoyed looking at the sea lions, riding the carousel (why are they so expensive?!?), eating lunch overlooking the water, and visiting the Aquarium (pro tip-Tulsa Zoo membership gets you 50% off).  Julie and the girls explored through a mirror maze (I saved us $10 by enjoying a minute of quiet). We also perused a bunch of street vendor stands between piers.  The girls learned a lesson in negotiating and were pleased to get some necklaces for 50% off.  

We had a hotel booked just outside of downtown where we got some much needed R&R.  We are quickly learning we need to schedule in some downtime to this trip or we are going to run ourselves into the ground. We took our time getting out of the room and found ourselves back on Pier 39 just in time to grab a quick lunch before our scheduled bay cruise.  We boarded our 65 foot catamaran with 25 of our closest friends and set out towards the Golden Gate bridge.  The girls had a blast cruising around the boat, looking out at Alcatraz, and seeing all the other boats and ships in the bay.  After our sailing adventure we went to Pier 41 where we found a vintage coin arcade.  It was fun to see all the old arcade games and music machines, many of which were over 100 years old.  It also happened to be the most affordable part of San Fran with $10 buying all 5 of us 30+ mins of entertainment. The girls found several games they enjoyed playing and I enjoyed playing a couple of old pinball machines.  We ended our time in San Fran at a candy store where everybody picked out some sugar for the drive back to Aunt Debbie's.

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